One request from our Compliance team at Sivo is that all originators provide a copy of their Company Legal Structure Chart, which should clearly detail the connections that exist between all legal entities that form your company structure.
IMPORTANT: this document should not be confused with a corporate org chart, which typically details the names and titles of the management team or leadership of a company.
If you have not provided a Company Legal Structure Chart yet, you may receive a documentation request through the Sivo app. If you do not already have a corporate chart, please use the provided example below to help get you started in creating one.
A complete Company Legal Structure Chart should include:
Date of issuance
All affiliated entities in your company structure
Country of incorporation of each entity
Full legal name of directors or control persons of each entity
Full legal name of the shareholders and their ownership percentage for all owners and shareholders with >25% ownership)
Note: If the Director is another entity, our team will follow up with additional info that may be required such as the Certificate of incorporation and a picture of the passport of the UBO or control person of that entity.